All day,all night I waited with the phone in my hand..Waiting for one phone call telling me that you are ok.. All i kept thinking was 'Why is the phone not ringing? How do i know whats happened?' All night i sit and think why people forget? Why cant they for once do what i asked for when I do so much for them.. All night i sit fighting "Disappointment"..
In this fast life people face disappointment all too often. And usually its not because of lack of hard work or something similar.. Its mostly because people EXPECT..
"Expectations"..Such a small word. But it holds such a huge meaning. The weight this word has is magnified ten folds when it comes to people and life. When u expect something and it does not work out we feel disappointed. Sometimes its not just about Disappointment. It amounts to fading friendship.. Heart breaks.. Such things break the morale of a person.
I know so many people who would give their life for friends and people they love. And without thinking or meaning to they expect the same from others.. The people they love. And if that does not work out then they feel let down. They feel betrayed and unloved. It may not even be something so serious.. Even then.. And when expectations lead to disappointment it drives people away from the people who hurt them.. knowingly or unknowingly..
I have always been the kind of person who gives my 100% to every friend .. every relation.. And there was a time when i used to expect people to respond in kind.. And most of the times people never responded in any way.. Let alone respond the way i want them to.. It used to hurt.. Make me cry.. Feel like yelling at them and telling them that they are selfish and they hurt me.. There have been times when i have told people about it too. But more often than not i have gotten the reply " You expect too much and hence get hurt!!"
When talking did not work I decided to stay away from the people who can hurt me.. But then i realized that people who can hurt me are the people i love the most.. How to stay away from them?? So the saga of expecting and getting hurt continued..
Till one day..When i realized that I am unhappy because i expect people to be what I am. And its not possible.
And to run away from these people or not feeling or not letting ourselves feel is not the solution..
The best solution is to give the people you love your best..And not expect much in return..It may not be easy in the beginning. It was not easy for me. But today i have learned to expect less from the people i love. And in case i do expect, the realization that 'expected things are not always fulfilled' has helped me be less disappointed. Now i get less hurt and disappointed. I am learning to deal with it. So can everyone else.. :)
This is probably the place where we can say that " U give your best and don't expect anything in return".. Trust me you'll be happier..