Friday, September 26, 2008

a tribute..

While I wait in this fork of life... While the roads between us separated ..I stood there trying to summon some bad memory which will make this easier..

But all i could think of was "The beautiful memories.. The long phone talks.. The shyness.. The need.. The holding of hands..The tears.. The warm hugs.. The fights.. The wonderful time we had making up for these fights.. The promises.. The walks on the beach.. The fun filled lunches and dinners.. The night outs.. The possessiveness.. The protectiveness.."

And today while i stand here.. I realize that though we don't have the happiness of being together.. Maybe because it was not meant to be.. or maybe because we are making way into the world... I know one thing for sure.. That even as we walk our separate ways today.. And even if we find new directions in life.. We will remain close friends forever.. And these memories are gonna be there in my heart and mind forever.. :)

Like they say.. "Its better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all"..Its the same with friends.. Its better to have had friends than to never have had them of the fear that we might get hurt..Because friends give you the feeling of being loved and cherished... Because then you know what it is to be cared for by people other than family.. To be loved.. And cherished :) I love my friends.. And vice versa :).. Right guys??

Love u guys..



Vivek Swaminathan said...

The vice versa at the end was not needed.. lol.. never theless.. its beautiful.. :) frm wen did u strt ritin poems.. ;) .. kp ritin.gr8 work yaar.
cheers :)

Kunal Mudgal said...


I can somehow relate to what u r saying..but u cant expect things to stay like this forever..change is the only constant..but when things do is these memories that keeps the friendhsip going...

Also, awesome article!!

Saheem said...

nice one tants...hope EACH and every1 one of us stay in touch atleast thru sum medium.. :)